
What is the need for E-commerce ?

E-commerce business  is a huge term which includes any type of business or fund transaction over the internet. Most of the people used to say e-commerce as the “online shopping” because it offers you to buy and sell anything over the World Wide Web. E-commerce business has four main categories business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-business (C2B), consumer-to-consumer (C2C). E-commerce business use numerous technologies such as online catalogues, Electronic data interchange, inventory management system, data collection system and much more. If you really want to spread your business over the internet you just need a well-known e-commerce website designing company which offers you limitless reasons to start an e-commerce business. Be your own boss:   E-commerce give you a chance to be your own boss, so you don’t need to follow any orders. You can elaborate your business on your own decisions. There is always a chance that you do mistakes...

New Smartphone App to Help Locate People in Areas Without Network.

Scientists have developed a smartphone app that can be used in emergency situations  arising due to earthquakes, floods or forest fires, where mobile phone infrastructure is  often rendered useless. The system created by researchers at the Universidad de Alicante (UA) in Spain makes  it possible to locate people who have suffered an accident in remote locations without  a phone signal and where a speedy rescue is essential to save lives. "We have designed an application (app) that can be incorporated into any smartphone and  that, without a signal, emits a Wifi signal which in turn acts as a distress beacon over a  the distance of several kilometres" said Jose Angel Berna, creator of the technology and  professor at UA. This signal contains the location (coordinates) of the person who has suffered the accident  or disappeared and is using the smartphone emitter, along with a short message that c...

Paying with Your Face..

Paying with Your Face. Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow? S hortly after walking through the door at  Face++ , a Chinese startup valued at roughly a billion dollars, I see my face, unshaven and looking a bit jet-lagged, flash up on a large screen near the entrance. Having been added to a database, my face now provides automatic access to the building. It can also be used to monitor my movements through each room inside. As I tour the offices of Face++ (pronounced “face plus”), located in a suburb of Beijing, I see it appear on several more screens, automatically captured from countless angles by the company’s software. On one screen a video shows the software tracking 83 different points on my face simultaneously. It’s a little creepy but undeniably impressive. Over the past few years, computers have become incredibly good at recognizing faces, and the technology...

WordPress Vs Wix – Which One is Better and Why?

Oqtic Softwares Wix : The basic website builder in Wix is free. However, there are two major downsides to it. First, it adds Wix branded advertisements on top and bottom of your website. Second, you cannot use a custom domain for your site so your site address will be: Apart from that, the basic plan does not offer necessary add-ons such as Google Analytics, Favicons, eCommerce, etc. To remove ads and get additional features, you will have to upgrade to one of the premium plans they offer. WordPress : The WordPress software is available for free for anyone to use.  Well, the biggest catch is that you need your own domain and hosting to install it. There are several WordPress hosting providers that you can choose from.   The cost of a WordPress site will increase if you decide to use premium WordPress themes or plugins. However, there are thousands of free WordPress themes and plugins available that you can use to reduce co...

Practical Quantum Computers.

Practical Quantum Computers. Advances at Google, Intel, and several research groups indicate that computers with previously unimaginable power are finally within reach. some of the world’s most advanced work on quantum computing, however, it's like associate HVAC testing facility. tucked away in a very quiet corner of the applied sciences building at the earthenware University of Technology, the area is empty individuals. droning with resonant waves as if occupied by a swarm of electrical katydids, it's littered with tangles of insulated tubes, wires, and management hardware erupting from fragmentation bomb cylinders on 3 and 4 legs. Inside the blue cylinders—essentially supercharged refrigerators—spooky quantum-mechanical things are happening wherever nanowires, semiconductors, and superconductors meet at simply a hair on top of temperature. It’s here, down at the bounds of physics, that solid materials create alleged quasiparticles, whose uncommon ...

BAE Systems Wins DARPA Contract to Develop 3D Space Warfare Lab.

BAE Systems Wins DARPA Contract to Develop 3D Space Warfare Lab . WASHINGTON — The Defense Advanced analysis comes Agency awarded BAE Systems a contract price up to $12.8 million to develop a digital laboratory to assist U.S. military commanders indurate combat location, the corporate proclaimed November. 14. The task is to make a virtual space-battle zone thus U.S. military leaders will higher understand the house surroundings and also the potential threats. "Military commanders should have superior house domain awareness so as to quickly assess, set up and execute operations during this progressively advanced surroundings," aforementioned microphone Penzo, director of ground resiliency and analytics at BAE Systems, in Reston, Virginia. Partner Series BAE Systems Wins DARPA Contract to Develop 3D house Warfare laboratory DARPA's virtual laboratory would facilitate U.S. military "quickly evaluate and integrate technologies for house command a...

Meet the world's most powerful supercomputers.

Meet the world's most powerful supercomputers.. Twice a year, a company known as the TOP500 publishes a listing of the world’s quickest supercomputers. it's a ranking of the foremost powerful machines in the world—mammoth installations with names like Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2. Those area units each Chinese computers, and also the former is that the world’s quickest. the foremost recent version of the list came out on Mon, and also the high 5 supercomputers hail from China, Schweiz, Japan, and also u.s.. But whereas the ranking may be a timely UN agency’s who of strong computers—and right away, China dominates the list, with 202 of the highest 500—its publication is additionally an honest time to ask: what makes a mainframe a mainframe, and what do they are doing scientists use them for? “A mainframe may be a giant machine designed to focus its power on one drawback,” says Bill Gropp, UN agency runs the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at th...